Lyrics Bazzi Is an open Platform for song lyrics in different categories like Hindi, English, Punjabi, Marathi, Haryanvi and other regional languages which are widely used in India and also the universal language. We write upcoming new release songs Lyrics and publish on our platform.

We mainly write & publish songs on different zones like Bollywood Movies, Hindi Songs, Punjabi Movie Song, Punjabi Albums Song, new Bhojpuri Songs and albums. All new Latest Song and also Old Songs Lyrics.

Searching for daily latest Punjabi, Haryanvi, Bhojpuri, English, Hindi song lyrics so you are on right place. is the hub of Hindi Songs Lyrics. We put out Hindi and Punjabi lyrics with beautiful Images and Quotes from the songs. We are a daily updated online platform that provides to read Latest Hindi, Punjabi, Filmy & Non-filmy, 90's Bollywood Songs Lyrics.



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